Line dances are fun and a great way to practice syllabus figures, solo. They also provide an opportunity for those without regular partners to get up and dance. There are usually one or two held during regular practices and at social dances. As well, periodically we hold a series of line-dance-only practice sessions.
The following are steps for the many line dances we do. Even though several of them including the first one, Mambo, are not traditional ballroom dances they are fun and in the case of the Mambo, easily picked up.
MAMBO Line Dance
Music: “Mambo # 5” by Lou Bega (music here)
S = Slow = 2 beats of music Q = Quick = 1 beat of music
(Start with left foot)
Compact Basic
Left foot forward, transfer weight to right foot, feet together QQS
Right foot back, transfer weight to left foot, feet together QQS
Side Basic
Left foot side, transfer weight to right foot, feet together QQS
Right foot side, transfer weight to left foot, feet together QQS
Diagonal Line (lock steps)
Left foot forward on diagonal, close right foot to left foot in turned out position,
continue to count #7, tap on count 8
Repeat on other side beginning with right foot, counts 1-8
Jazz Box
Cross left foot in front of right (1), step back (2), step side (3), step forward (4)
Repeat counts 1-3, on 4 jump and turn ¼ to left, ending with weight on right foot (clap hands – optional)
* Each count here is a slow which = 2 beats of music.
(Repeat from beginning.)
WALTZ Line Dance
Music: “Tonight” by Barbara Mandrell (music here)
(Hold 4 measures, start with left foot)
Forward Change Steps x 2
Backward Change Steps x2
Turn to Left (forward, side, side)
Grapevine to Left (forward &across, side, back)
Side Step (side, side, side – changing weight)
Turn to Right (forward, side, side)
Grapevine to Right (forward & across, side, back)
Right Foot Side Hesitation
Open Reverse Turn (turn to left making ½ turn – forward, side, back)
Back Change Step
Open Reverse Turn (turn to left making ½ turn – forward, side, back)
Back Change Step
Turning Forward Change Steps x 4 (turning ¼ turns)
(Repeat from beginning)
FOXTROT Line Dance
Music: “Daybreak” by Barry Manilow (music here)
(Start with Left Foot)
Forward Change Steps Turning x2 SQQ SQQ (fwd, side, together x2)
Grapevine: 4 Quick Counts, start to right side – fwd, side, back, side.
Check: (SQQ) forward & across on Slow, replace Q, side Q
Grapevine: 4 Quick Counts, to left side – fwd, side, back, side.
Check: (SQQ) forward &across on Slow, replace Q, side Q
Solo Spot Turns (x2) SQQ SQQ (1/2 turn on each SQQ) fwd, fwd & turn, fwd.
Outside Swivels (x2) SS (1/2 turn on each) – fwd, swivel, point.
Repeat (Option to turn the Box 1/4 to left to change walls).
Music – “Dancin’ Fool” / Choreography by Ira Weisburd (music here)
(Start when lyrics begin in music / Start with Left Foot)
1 -Left foot – Tap underneath body, beside right foot;
2 -Kick to side
3 &4 – Sailor Shuffle (cross behind, side, replace)
5 – Right foot – Tap underneath body, beside left foot;
6 – Kick to side
7 &8 – Sailor Shuffle (cross behind, side, replace)
1&2&3&4&- Grapevine/weave – cross left foot in front, side, back, side, cross in front, side, back, side
5 – 6 Check Step /Rock Step – Cross left ft. in front and flex knees, replace weight to R foot
7&8 – Chasse / Shuffle – Side, Together, Side, Turning ¼ to left on count 8.
1&2,3&4 – Two Forward Locks
5 –6 Check Step / Forward Rock Step – Cross right ft. in front and flex knees,
replace weight to L ft.
7&8 – Chasse / Shuffle – Side, Together, Side, Turning ¼ to the right on 7&8
1&2,3&4 – Two Forward Locks
5 – 6 – 7 – 8 Four Walks Back, Feet Together on last one.
SAMBA Line Dance
Music: “Hot Hot Hot” (for slower tempo use “Cheap Thrills” by Sia) (music here)
(Start with left foot)
Forward &Back Steps (1-8)
3 steps forward, kick right foot forward &clap hands on 4
3 steps back, point left foot to side on 4
4 Bota fogos (1-8) or
Forward on left foot, point right foot, forward on right foot, point left foot (1-4)
Repeat for 5-8
Travelling Voltas (1-8)
Place left foot in front of right slightly turned out (1), right foot to side on toe (a)
& continue for counts 1a2a3a4
Repeat on the other side with the right foot in front of left and left foot to side on toe
for counts 5a6a7a8
Turn ¼ to the left to face new wall and repeat from the beginning.
(Spins to the left may replace the 3 forward walks as an option.)
CHA CHA Line Dance 1
Music: “The Best” by Tina Turner / Choreography by Diane Duruisseau (music here)
Start with weight on RF
LF to side on 4-1
RF back (check step) on 2*
Replace weight forward onto LF on 3
Chasse to right starting with RF (side-together-side) on 4&1
LF forward (check step) on 2
Replace weight back onto RF on 3
Chasse to left starting with LF (side-together-side) on 4&1, and turn 1/4 to left
New York (to left and to right)
RF forward (check step) on 2
replace weight back onto LF on 3, and turn back 1/4 to right
Chasse to right starting with RF (side-together-side) on 4&1, and turn 1/4 to right
LF forward (check step) on 2
replace weight back onto RF on 3, and turn back 1/4 to left
Chasse to left starting with LF (side-together-side) on 4&1, and turn 1/4 to left
Spot Turn to left
RF forward on 2 and turn to left
continue to turn to left, and LF forward on 3 (facing wall to right of “home” wall)
Three Forward Lock Steps
RF forward on 4, LF locks on “&”, RF forward on 1
LF forward on 2, RF locks on “&”, LF forward on 3
RF forward on 4, LF locks on “&”, RF forward on 1
Ending with weight on RF
Cuban Breaks (syncopated timing)
LF forward and across (check step), weight back onto RF, LF diagonally back, weight back onto RF, REPEAT, ending with weight transfer fully onto LF (Timing: 2&3&4&1)
RF forward and across (check step), weight back onto LF, RF diagonally back, weight back onto LF, REPEAT, ending with weight transfer fully onto RF (Timing: 2&3&4&1)
(from approximately 0:30 – 0:50 sec)
Spot Turn to right
LF forward on 2 and turning to right
Continue to turn to right until facing original “home” wall with foot collection and weight on RF on 3
Chasses and Locks to left
Chasse to left starting with LF (side-together-side) on 4&1, ending with weight on LF, and turn 1/4 to left
Forward lock step – RF forward on 2, LF locks on “&”, RF forward on 3, and turn 1/4 to right
Chasse to left starting with LF (side-together-side) on 4&1, ending with weight on LF
REPEAT SEQUENCE at RF back on 2*
If Changing to New Wall:
Turn 1/4 to left, and add:
Forward Lock Step:
RF forward on 2, LF locks on “&”, RF forward on 3, ending with weight on RF, facing new wall to the left
Check Step (slow timing):
LF forward and across (check step) on 4, replace weight back onto RF on 1
Side Rocks in Place:
Keep feet close together
Rock onto LF on 2, rock onto RF on 3, ending with weight on RF
REPEAT SEQUENCE starting with a Basic – Chasse to left starting with LF (side-together-side) on 4&1, then RF back on 2*
CHA CHA Line Dance 2
Music: “Pata Pata” / Choreography by Wanda Kivitt (music here)
(Start with Left foot on Count 1)
1,2,3 Sidestep to left, Back Rock, Step
4&1, 2,3 Side Chasse to right, Forward Rock, Step
4&1 Back, Back, Together
2,3 Knee/Hip, Knee/Hip
4,1 Swivel, Swivel
2,3 Forward, Back Step
4,1 Together, Kick/Point
2,3 Back Rock (or press line)
4&1 Forward Lock
2,3 Spot Turn (to right)
4&1 Forward Lock
2,3 Spot Turn (to left)
4&1 Forward Lock
2,3 Forward Rock, Step
4&1 Side Chasse to left and Repeat from beginning.
Option to change walls – Turn Chasse 1/4 to left to face new wall.
RUMBA Line Dance
Music: “She’s the One” by Robbie Williams / Choreography by Diane Duruisseau (music here)
Start with weight on RF
LF to side on 4-1*
RF back (check step) on 2
Replace weight forward onto LF on 3
RF to side on 4-1
LF forward (check step) on 2
Replace weight back onto RF on 3
LF to side on 4-1, and turn 1/4 to left
New York (to left and to right)
RF forward (check step) on 2
replace weight back onto LF on 3, and turn back 1/4 to right
RF to side on 4-1, and turn 1/4 to right
LF forward (check step) on 2
replace weight back onto RF on 3, and turn back 1/4 to left
LF to side on 4-1, and turn 1/4 to left
Spot Turn to left
RF forward on 2 and turn to left
continue to turn to left, and LF forward on 3 (facing wall to right of “home” wall)
RF forward on 4-1
Aida (Fallaway) Sequence
LF forward on 2, RF forward and turn 180o to the left on 3
LF backward and weight into heel on 4-1, RF pointing forward
Rocking on the spot – rock forward on RF on 2, rock back onto LF on 3
Transfer weight onto RF on “&” then swivel and point LF on 4-1, turning 1/4 left (back to facing “home” wall)
Fencing (Gold figure)
(use lady’s footwork and arm styling at approx 1:22 min)
Turn slightly left, and LF forward and across (check step) to right with lowering on 2, weight back onto RF (with rise) on 3, and turn 1/4 to left (back to facing “home” wall)
LF to side on 4-1, and turn 1/4 to left (facing wall to left of “home” wall)
Rumba Walks
RF forward on 2, LF forward on 3, RF forward on 4-1, end with weight on RF
Swivel on RF and turn back to original “home” wall on “&”, ending with feet together, weight still on RF
Side Rocks in Place
Keep feet close together
Rock onto LF on 2, rock onto RF on 3, ending with weight on RF
REPEAT SEQUENCE at LF to the side on 4-1*
**If Changing to New Wall:
Don’t Swivel on “&” back to home wall. Stay facing new wall to the left, then REPEAT SEQUENCE at LF to the side on 4-1*
JIVE Line Dance
Music: “Just a Gigolo” by David Lee Roth (music here)
(Start with left foot.)
Triple Chasse to the left; Back Rock Step (1a2, 3,4)
Triple Chasse to the right; Back Rock Step (5a6, 7,8)
Forward Chasse / Lock; Spot Turn to Left (1a2, 3,4)
Forward Chasse / Lock; Spot Turn to Right (5a6, 7,8)
Spot Turn to Right (1,2)
Forward Chasse / Lock (3a4)
Spot Turn to Left (5,6)
Forward Chasse / Lock (7a8)
Toe-heel-swivel (left and right side) x2, then change walls to left
Change wall by facing to the left, then
Step Forward 1,2,3; Kick & Clap 4
Step Back 1,2,3 Tap &Clap 4
(Repeat from beginning.)
HUSTLE Line Dance
Music: “Stayin’ Alive” by Bee Gees (music here)
(Start with weight on LF, and RF is free)*
Backward and Forward Sequence:
3 backward steps, starting with RF (1-3), ending with weight on RF, point LF forward & clap (4)
3 forward steps, starting with LF (5-7), ending with weight on LF, point RF to side & clap (8)
Step RF to side, LF behind, RF to side (1-3), ending with weight on RF, point LF to side & clap (4)
Step LF to side, RF behind, LF to side (5-7), ending with weight on LF, point RF to side & clap (8)
360o Turns:
Turn to the right 1/4 – then RF forward, LF side, RF side (1-3), ending with weight on RF, point LF to side & clap (4)
Turn to the left 1/4 – then LF forward, RF side, LF side (5-7), ending with weight on LF, point RF to side& clap (8)
Pointing Up & Down (Disco Style – think John Travolta):
While standing on LF with RF pointing to side, left hand on hip, point right hand up & rightwards on 1, point down and leftwards on 2, and continue for 8 counts
Arm Circles:
Standing on the spot, bring feet together, hands in fists, circle one hand over the other, leaning down (1-2), leaning up (3-4)
Heel Clicks (optional “Chicken Arms”):
Standing on the spot, turn heels in and out (5-8)
Transition to Face New Wall:
With weight remaining over LF –
Tap right heel forward twice (1-2)
Tap right toe back twice (3-4)
Tap right heel forward once (5)
Tap right toe back once (6)
Tap right toe to side (7)
Turn body ¼ turn to left to face new wall, keeping weight over LF, bringing RF up to left knee
*REPEAT SEQUENCE from the beginning – RF free and stepping backwards
Music: “Macarena” by Los del Rio (music here)
Move hips from side to side to get into the rhythm of the music.
Put right arm up, about shoulder height, palm down;
Put left arm up, about shoulder height, palm down;
Turn right hand over, palm up; Turn left hand over, palm up;
Cross your hands: Right hand to left shoulder, Left hand to right shoulder;
Put your right hand behind your right ear; Left hand behind your left ear;
Cross hands over your hips: Right hand to left hip, Left hand to right hip;
Place right hand on right back side; left hand on left back side.
Circle hips and hop turning 1/ 4 to the left to face new wall and repeat.
Dancers form 2 circles, Leads facing out, Follows facing in. Leads start on left foot,
Follows start on right foot. Begin in closed Latin hold.
* Side, together, side, tap (1-4); Repeat on other side (5-8)
* Leads repeat above footwork while turning the Follows to their right on 1-4, and
turning the Follows to their left on 5-8.
(Follows turn to right – forward, side, side, tap; repeat to left)
* Step side facing partner, slow (1-2), step forward & across in promenade position (3-4)
Repeat twice with quick counts (5-8) with swivel action.
* 3 steps back moving away from partner (1-3), tap & clap hands (4)
3 steps forward on a diagonal to the right to meet new partner (5-7) tap (8)
(Repeat from the beginning.)