VBDS is proud to be a part of your community… in many ways:
We are focused on giving back to the dance community at large. To date we have assisted dance companies, local public and high-schools and kids in dance related performances, exhibitions and instruction. Currently we are working to expand our existing Youth Outreach Programs. We believe that every person has the right to enjoy dancing and the earlier dancing is introduced in life, the better. What we know beyond any doubt that learning to dance at any age enhances social opportunities, improves physical and mental conditioning and can open doors to many opportunities around the world. Dance and music can take you anywhere.
We host dances and provide our dance classes in many communities within the greater Victoria area. You will find our activities conveniently located in many recreation centres, community halls, churches and schools.
VBDS is Actively Supporting Ballroom Dancing in our Schools:
The Victoria Ballroom Dance Society regularly supports Ballroom Dance lessons in a variety of schools in the Greater Victoria area. This is all part of our club’s community outreach activities over many years. Basically VBDS will provide financial sponsorship for Ballroom Dance lessons in qualifying schools, taught by the same internationally certified Ballroom Dance instructors who teach our regular adult classes. Participating schools over the past number of years have included both elementary schools (eg. Doncaster , Hillcrest Elementary, Crystal View) as well as secondary schools (eg. Oak Bay High, Stelly’s Secondary, Vic High, Parklands Secondary). We are always keen to promote Ballroom Dancing as a great way to improve physical and social well-being, as well as enhance quality of life at all age-levels, so this program, which we call “Ballroom in the Schools”, fits well with our main mission and “raison d’etre” as a Society!
Despite lots of wonderful performances by school kids over the past ten years or so, at a wide variety of venues and dances, there is still lots of scope to further expand this “Schools Program”, especially with more volunteer help from our members! If you would like find out more and help with our Youth & Family Outreach initiatives, contact us at info@vbds.org, or call our Info “Jive-Line” at 250-721-5483.
VBDS Volunteers for Seniors
A group of dedicated VBDS volunteer dancers entertain once a month for the residents in various seniors’ facilities. The program was started many years ago by Angus McKnight and then it took a break for a couple of years. It was resurrected in the fall of 2014. The first year, the dancers put on a program highlighting music from the war years. A couple of dancers introduced a particular dance and song by dressing up in humorous appropriate costumes, giving a bit of brief history and asking some trivia questions to engage the audience. This past year, the group performed songs from the Best of Broadway musicals. At the end of each show, the performers dance with the residents—even those confined to walkers or wheelchairs. It is a wonderful experience for both dancers and residents as many wonderful stories and memories are shared. Often tears of happiness occur. Next year’s program will be “A Sentimental Journey” starting in the Fall of 2016. New dancers are always welcome and anyone interested should speak to Robin Evans or Christine Kinghorn.
“Our residents eagerly look forward to your exhilarating entertaining performances every year!”
“The music is so comforting and relevant to the seniors and your humour, dancing and mingling is so much appreciated!”
“Your beautiful music, fantastic dancing and fascinating outfits bring back such wonderful memories of when we were younger, of special people, places and events when we danced in iconic ballrooms.”
“It is such a heartwarming experience to perform for the seniors, entertain them and dance and chat with them after. They have many fascinating stories to tell and beautiful memories to share.”
“We look forward to this experience every month and wouldn’t want to miss any performance!”
“We’ve all bonded and are like family now. We’ve really come together as a team and it is such a wonderful feeling to be able to bring joy, laughter and entertainment to such deserving seniors!”
“In the future, we may likely all be hoping that some nice dance group will come and visit our own seniors’ residences so that we too can reminisce about how much we loved dancing when we were young!”